Thursday, September 9, 2010


I am just sitting here thinking of the week has been. It has been one of the more emotional of my life. With the earthquake on Saturday and the aftershocks to follow I have been worried about family and friends and children from Team 1 and your families. I hope that you are all safe and well, and that all your houses are OK. I hope that you and all your family are beginning to feel a little less shaken. My family are all safe and sound, and only minor damage to our houses. We lost a chimney and some large cracks to the walls and ceilings. Most of my street is still in one piece although they are missing chimneys. Tilly my dog has been very quiet but has kept me company whilst James has gone to work.
We (the staff) are meeting tomorrow to discuss how we can support your children with their transition back to school and how we can help them feel as safe and happy as possible. Keep an eye on the school website too as there are some really useful tips to help with any anxious children.
Please let me know if you feel your child has been particularly upset by the recent events, so we can cater to their needs at school.
Keep safe
Deborah Kennedy

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Snuggle Up And Read

Today it was a fun day because we got to wear our PJ's to school. This is what we thought about the day.

We got to have a hot chocolate- Harrison

We got to read lots of different books.- Gabby

We got to bring our Teddy Bears and blankets to snuggle up with.- Malek

Everyone had their dressing gowns on! Even the Miss Kennedy!!- Lily

Some of us got to read together- Maddy

Miss Kennedy read us some books that we brought from home.- Poppie

We lay under tables and made huts to read in!- Beau

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Book Character Day

On Tuesday we dressed up as a book character from around the world. There were many different choices of characters from, Cinderella, Sleeping beauty, a pirate, Snow White, Dinosaur hunters, Batman and the list goes on. We had a parade in the hall in the morning and it was great to see how much effort was put in to all the costumes. Well done Parents!!!!

Grandparents Day

On Monday the Junior Team invited their Grandparents for an afternoon tea and a time to read and enjoy books. Everyone enjoyed themselves. It was great to see the children make sure their visitor had a cup of tea and a muffin! The children read a school book from their reading folders and the visitors brought along one of their favourite books. The afternoon was a huge success. Check out the photos......

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Big Bang Concert

Big Bang Concert 29/6/10

Room 1 and the rest of the Junior Team attended the Town Hall today. We watched the orchestra play different music. This is our review of the concert:-

I liked the confetti at the end- Robson

I enjoyed the music because it was cool.- Molly

I liked the slow music- Maddy

I liked picking up the confetti at the end of the show. - Poppie

I enjoyed the fast loud music- Zion

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Space Day Slide Show

Space Day

Today the Junior Team has had an awesome Space Day. We have been learning about what it takes to be an astronaut. We have also been learning about different planets. This is what Team One had to say:

We Know about Mars- Mars is Hot (Zion) It has craters like the moon. (Lily) Mars is red (Robson)

Saturn has many rings around it. (Poppie) The rings are made of rock, ice and dust (Ed)

There are volcanoes on mars. (Harrison)

The moon has craters on it (Gabby)

We have been learning about what food we can take to the moon. We can only take dry food and noodle that are wet. (Matthew)

Saturn is cold and windy (Maddy)

Mercury is hot (Molly)